lunes, 28 de mayo de 2018

Do no think about breathing

It is a weird title right, but as a matter of fact this happens more than enough with a lot of things in my life. I realize about it one morning, you'll see, with the excuse of recovery of my knee I started to go to the swimming pool some early mornings... Perhaps you can recalled it since you were also attending to swimming clases in your schools.

Anyway, in my case, I don't go to take clases, I just go to a pool and start swimming as long as I want, the style I prefer. However since we do have some Teachers in there I asked them to correct my swimming style, which they happily did by giving me a lot of pointers to take into account to improve my technique. One of those pointers was about breathing when to breath, what to do with the arms  and so on.

So I started some exercises to modify my way of swimming and then I started to concentrate on the breathing; it turned out to be so exhausting at the end of each lap, I couldn't quite understand why I wasn't able to perform better. Anyways ,since I wasn't that constant either I thought that my lack of continuos practice was the problem, but then something happened; in the line I was practicing I had to pass onto an older person, it was not surprise, before I started to swim I calculated that I will reach him at the middle... so I started and when I got to him, the change was instantly, I just modify my speed, breath and concentrate to pass him, without hitting him and in the middle of it I realize that another person was passing on to me but in the opposite direction, yes! three persons at the same time, in the same point of the pool and there was no interference... when I ended up the lap, I was not tired, I was ok, and somehow amazed of what just happened, and hit me, I was not thinking about breathing... a EUREKA moment... really, that was all that it took, then I recall that every time I finish my swimming I do it with a "sprint" so I swam as fast as I can with all of the power I can give it, in that moment I also do not think about breathing.

So I had to put it into practice, and started to think on, how many times in my life I THINK on the things I suppose to feel, how I THINK about people instead of flowing with the relationship we have, how to flow is more pleasant than thinking, how I flow in the water, how I can breath normally, because the technique is already within me, my body got it the firsts times, it was my head that thought that I need it to review it some more.

I went again to the pool, now knowing what I know... I focused on a dream, and I was able to create a methodology I intent to test on myself in order to accomplish a goal, using PNL.

All of this to say, if you sometime feel drowned with your thinking about something or somebody, perhaps, you should be feeling or flowing instead. It worked for me :)

With Love... Mom

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